Authentic Freedom, Pope John Paul II, & the New Battle for Truth

Every year on July 4th we come together as Americans, as family and a nation, to celebrate our common heritage and the freedoms that our forefathers fought wholeheartedly to secure. In my past visits to Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Gettysburg I got a glimpse of the risks made by individuals with very real threats of life, livelihood, and unimaginable personal sacrifices to gain the basic freedoms we take for granted, such as the freedom to worship and speak the truth without legal consequences. These heroes fought to create a future of truth and justice, not just for themselves and their families, but for everyone.

Pope St. John Paul II, addressing Americans during his visit to Baltimore in 1995, said “Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.” This basic freedom is what our founding fathers fought for. It is now our responsibility, moving forward, to protect and fight for these sacred freedoms we once assumed would always be respected, so the generations to come can benefit from them as well.

Today we face a new battle, not a war with bullets and missiles, but one that is subtle and even more devastating to human life than those of the past. It is war against forces actively trying to destroy our freedom to worship God our Creator, and the ability to live by His Truths. These forces are attempting to subject us and our children to the absurdities of genderism, critical race theory, same-sex marriage, and so-called abortion rights. They want to destroy the freedom and rights of parents to nurture their children through the phases of their development into the men and women God created them to become. Instead, these forces intend to indoctrinate our children with lies – lies that deceive society into believing that being mutilated and sterilized is “freedom.”

Through social engineering and legal manipulation, the tables have been turned to where the lies have become law, making it illegal and punishable with imprisonment and fines, should we deny the lies and speak the truth. As each new law, based on lies, is enacted, it is your children, grandchildren, and your future generations who are the intended targets designated to be destroyed.

What is our response to the atrocities and casualties of today’s war? For too long we have stood on the sidelines covering our eyes, pretending that we are not at war, and that there isn’t a battery of lies aligned against our families, our country, and our future. Today, we are called to face our fears, and to take a stand to call out the lies for what they are. We are called to restore the truth that has been given to us by God, that we were created to be men and women, for the purpose of life.

This year, as you enjoy your Independence Day festivities, pray to God to give you the same courage and witness to risk everything to fight for Truth. Where do we go for Truth? God is the “Author of Truth,” and he gave us the Ten Commandments to show us the way to live an honorable and happy life in order for us to experience abundant joy. It is the Ten Commandments that will help us rediscover true freedom, given to us by our Creator.

Five years ago, the Lord called me to combat the lies of the world by sharing and teaching about these basics truths that have been lost. I sold my successful technology company in order to help restore the truth and wisdom of the Ten Commandments, and devote my life’s work to this. I invite you to join me in this mission, this battle.

The truth is; there is only One God, His name is holy and is to be honored, Sundays are to be preserved for worship, rest and relationships and are essential for arming ourselves and our children for winning the battle we face today. Turning to HIM for Truth is the answer. All of us learning and living the Ten Commandments is the answer to combating this war. Fighting to restore the Truth that honoring father and mother, preserving life, honoring our God-given sexuality, being truthful and cultivating generosity, set the stage for Truth being the victor in our lives.

I urge you to bring the Ten Commandments to the forefront of your family’s hearts and minds, during this unique and pivotal time in history. Display a copy of the Ten Commandments in your home and discuss with your family how to apply the wisdom of the Commandments in everyday life. Teach your family to memorize them. Pray and reflect with them. Use them as a daily examination of conscience. Live by them. Knowing, understanding and embracing the Ten Commandments honors those who fought for our freedoms and glorifies God by placing our trust in Him.

Let’s all take to heart St. John Paul II’s call to action when he addressed us during his visit to the United States, “Today, the challenge facing America is to find freedom’s fulfillment in the truth: the truth that is intrinsic to human life created in God’s image and likeness, the truth that is written on the human heart, the truth that can be known by reason and can therefore form the basis of a profound and universal dialogue among people about the direction they must give to their lives and their activities.”

This blog originally appeared on Catholic Exchange.

To dive deeper in your knowledge of learning and living the 10 Commandments on a daily basis in order to experience true joy and freedom, visit our 10 Commandments Page that corresponds to each of the 10 Commandments.

Photo: August Couder, “Siege of Yorktown”