The Ten Commandments: More Than Just a List of Rules

Moses and the Ten Commandments

Have you ever thought to yourself, “How relevant could a list of arbitrary Commandments, given to an ancient civilization, possibly be in our modern world? They are just a list of rules that restrict my freedom, and besides, they really aren’t all that relevant any more. Are they?” To dispel any doubts, let’s consider just […]

What Do Summer Fashions Have to Do With the Commandments?

lovely young lady smiling

With the arrival of springtime and summer in view, you may have on your agenda to head to the stores to update your summer wardrobe. Or, you may have made plans for a shopping outing with the children or grandchildren who have outgrown last year’s duds. As you head out, give some intentional thought about […]

My Body, My Choice? Or God’s Child, His Choice

Sunset on Kansas field

A Deeper Look at the Abortion Issue as Kansans Head to the Polls  As my neighboring Kansans head to the polls today to vote on the “Value Them Both” amendment, the first constitutional amendment since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade throwing the issue of abortion back to the states, I propose we take a […]