The Ten Commandments: More Than Just a List of Rules

Moses and the Ten Commandments

Have you ever thought to yourself, “How relevant could a list of arbitrary Commandments, given to an ancient civilization, possibly be in our modern world? They are just a list of rules that restrict my freedom, and besides, they really aren’t all that relevant any more. Are they?” To dispel any doubts, let’s consider just […]

Has a Lizard Set Up Shop on Your Shoulder?

Leopard Gecko

In C.S. Lewis’s book The Great Divorce, one of the ghosts in the story has a lizard sitting on his shoulder whispering in his ear. The lizard is the ghost’s vice and, despite the wishes of the ghost to be rid of the lizard, he cannot make it go away. An angel, who has the ability […]

Lies vs. Freedom: Restoring Truth In Our Culture

The word Lies.

Satan devised the lie and first used it in the garden of Eden when he sprinkled a little doubt by asking Eve, “Did God really say you would die…?” He then lied to make God out to be the bad guy saying, “You certainly will not die!” and then followed up with the false promise […]

Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave

Pieces of broken class that had "friendship" written on it

Imagine the damage I would cause to my marriage if my wife found out that I was spending money differently than what I had told her.  What would the likely outcome be in my business relationships when my clients find out that I ‘misspoke’ about the quality or capabilities of our product or service? It […]

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