Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!

American flag with light shining through like a cross

One of our greatest countrymen, Patrick Henry was very clear on the importance of freedom when he concluded his legendary address at the 2nd Virginia convention in 1775 with his proclamation, “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! ” Patrick’s generation was willing […]

Lies vs. Freedom: Restoring Truth In Our Culture

The word Lies.

Satan devised the lie and first used it in the garden of Eden when he sprinkled a little doubt by asking Eve, “Did God really say you would die…?” He then lied to make God out to be the bad guy saying, “You certainly will not die!” and then followed up with the false promise […]

Freedom Isn’t Free

Soldier and child's hands holding flag in a cemetery

As you celebrate Memorial Day and go to family picnics, parades, pools, parks, to the ball games and to the firework displays, be intentional to honor those who have given, and continue to give, so you can live with the freedoms that we often take for granted. Remember and honor those military men and women […]

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