Let the Holy Spirit Move You This Pentecost

Mary and the Apostles at Pentecost

As we approach the feast of Pentecost, I want to share with you one of the most enlightening moments my wife and I had on a pilgrimage we made to the Holy Land a few years ago. It was not a planned destination, but it led to a holy moment when we heard His small […]

It’s Not Too Late to Have a Truly Meaningful Advent

Advent wreath with lit candles

Each year, the lighting of the first candle of the Advent wreath awakens me with the realization that Christmas is less than a month away. Then, before I know it, we are lighting the second purple candle and before I turn around the pink candle is lit, leaving only one more candle to light before […]

A Father’s Day Perspective of the “Our Father” Prayer

Father with son on shoulders looking at the sunset, caption Happy Father's Day

In my studying to learn the Ten Commandments and in striving to live them, I have learned many astounding “coincidences” that God has hidden from us in plain sight. As Father’s Day approaches, I am reminded of one of those “coincidences.”  Hidden in Jesus’ response to the apostle’s plea for Him to teach them to […]

10 Ways to Grow in Virtues and Holiness this Lent

Father and children praying with Bible at bedside

Yes, Lent is a time to deny ourselves something to make a sacrifice and remind us of the many blessings God provides. Lent is also an opportunity to intentionally develop new spiritual habits and identify and correct unhealthy habits that have crept in over time. Not just as a second chance to make a New Year’s resolution, but […]

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