10 Ways to Grow in Virtues and Holiness this Lent

Father and children praying with Bible at bedside

Yes, Lent is a time to deny ourselves something to make a sacrifice and remind us of the many blessings God provides. Lent is also an opportunity to intentionally develop new spiritual habits and identify and correct unhealthy habits that have crept in over time. Not just as a second chance to make a New Year’s resolution, but […]

Praying with the Ten Commandments

I am writing to THANK YOU for your prayers. You may remember my request for prayers in my email two weeks ago?  To express how important your prayers are to this ministry, it is through your prayers and the Holy Spirit, that I had several speaking and other opportunities to share the Ten Commandments as well as the Mission […]

How to Pray the Commandments

Lit candles

Living the Commandments doesn’t happen just by memorizing them. They need to be assimilated into our character so we can quickly recognize daily situations that could easily take a wrong turn if we ignore or disobey them. As we assimilate the Commandments into our character, we build strength to make it easier to make good […]