Restoring Ten Commandments to Classrooms

Classroom with desks

Early in the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land, God gave them, and all of us today, a beautiful and loving gift to help us live in harmony and happiness with one another. After crossing the Jordan river, the Israelites trusted in God and His wisdom and experienced harmony, happiness, and peace. However, history shows […]

Accepting God’s Labor Day Gift

Family having a picnic outdoors

In 1894, Labor Day was declared a national holiday. Most worked a six-day work week and then enjoyed Sundays for worship, time with family, and relaxation. Sunday was their “Divine Day of Vacation” set aside by God to slow us down and recharge us physically, mentally, and most importantly, spiritually.   In God’s 3rdCommandment, “Remember […]

God’s Solution to Eradicate Human Trafficking

Fearful child's eyes

With the release of the 100-million-dollar blockbuster movie, Sound of Freedom, awareness of the human trafficking epidemic is at an all-time high. What was most shocking to learn is that there are more s-x “slaves” today than there were slaves in America when President Lincoln and countless Americans fought to free them in the 1860s. Since […]

Authentic Freedom, Pope John Paul II, & the New Battle for Truth

"Siege of Yorktown" painting by Auguste Couder

Every year on July 4th we come together as Americans, as family and a nation, to celebrate our common heritage and the freedoms that our forefathers fought wholeheartedly to secure. In my past visits to Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Gettysburg I got a glimpse of the risks made by individuals with very real threats of life, […]

A Father’s Day Perspective of the “Our Father” Prayer

Father with son on shoulders looking at the sunset, caption Happy Father's Day

In my studying to learn the Ten Commandments and in striving to live them, I have learned many astounding “coincidences” that God has hidden from us in plain sight. As Father’s Day approaches, I am reminded of one of those “coincidences.”  Hidden in Jesus’ response to the apostle’s plea for Him to teach them to […]

Loneliness Epidemic – 10 Commandments the Cure

Child's birthday party

This week, US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued an advisory warning regarding a “major public health crisis” leading to heart disease, dementia, anxiety, stroke and premature death. The culprit he blames in his warning is “an epidemic of loneliness.” That’s right, loneliness. According to a report released by the US Department of Health and Human Services this week, […]

Texas May Put Ten Commandments In All School Classrooms

Ten Commandments on Texas Flag graphic

In case you haven’t heard, I have some AWESOME news to share! On April 20th, with a clear and hopeful outlook for society, families, and individuals, the Texas State Senate passed Bill 1515. This bill requires that the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public school classrooms. HOW AWESOME! Let’s review how we got here, which […]

Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!

American flag with light shining through like a cross

One of our greatest countrymen, Patrick Henry was very clear on the importance of freedom when he concluded his legendary address at the 2nd Virginia convention in 1775 with his proclamation, “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! ” Patrick’s generation was willing […]

How many laws will it take?

Man's hands sticking out of prison cell door

A couple years ago I heard a story of a prison inmate who learned there are over 100,000 laws on the books that will put a person into prison. He became very frustrated and discouraged about his situation and his future prospects of ever being free on the outside. In his frustration, he confided in […]