Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!

One of our greatest countrymen, Patrick Henry was very clear on the importance of freedom when he concluded his legendary address at the 2nd Virginia convention in 1775 with his proclamation, “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! ”

Patrick’s generation was willing to put aside their comfort, their way of life, and their very lives, so their children and all future generations would experience the freedom from the tyranny imposed by King George.

Even still, the freedom Patrick and the others risked their lives for is not the ultimate freedom. The ultimate freedom is freedom from a tyranny not imposed by some external force, but rather freedom from the tyranny imposed from within and by the decisions we make.

In the very near future, we will have a series of decisions to make which will significantly impact both the freedom that Patrick Henry risked his life for us, as well as the freedom for which Jesus offers to us through the sacrifice of His life.

On November 8th, our nation will be making decisions not all that different from the decisions made at the Virginia convention in 1775. The outcome from this election will significantly impact the freedoms for generations to come.

In preparing to vote, a general practice is to scrutinize the candidates and issues on the ballot based on the apparent social benefits they will bring. But as Christians, as we prepare to vote, we are called to look beyond the outcome of the elections merely in the physical and earthly sense. But more importantly, in the spiritual sense. How will the candidates that are elected and the issues that are approved pave the way for our salvation and the salvation of our children and grandchildren? Are we willing, like Patrick Henry, to risk the comforts and perceived security of our tenuous lives, for a better, more authentic, everlasting and divine freedom?

To make this everlasting and divine freedom your focus as you cast your ballot, I suggest that you print off a list of the Ten Commandments and scrutinize the candidates and issues through the eyes of God and the divine wisdom of His Ten Commandments.

God didn’t give us the Ten Commandments merely to serve as an examination of conscience at the end of the day, or to prepare for the Sacrament of Confession. Rather, he gave them to us so that we can avoid being blinded by the emotional and physical realm, which only provides temporary comfort, and to trust in Him and His wisdom to reap the benefits of complete joy and happiness in His spiritual Kingdom.

God Bless America!

If you are looking for a deeper understanding of the Commandments, their invitation to greatness, and how to apply them to daily life, see “God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life!”  Click Here

To dive deeper in your knowledge of learning and living the 10 Commandments on a daily basis in order to experience true joy and freedom, visit our 10 Commandments Page that corresponds to each of the 10 Commandments.

Photo: Beverly Lussier/Pixabay

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