God’s Solution to Eradicate Human Trafficking

With the release of the 100-million-dollar blockbuster movie, Sound of Freedom, awareness of the human trafficking epidemic is at an all-time high. What was most shocking to learn is that there are more s-x “slaves” today than there were slaves in America when President Lincoln and countless Americans fought to free them in the 1860s. Since seeing the movie in its first week of its release, I frequently find myself pondering various scenes of the movie and become baffled as to how human beings could be so confused and self-centered that they willingly inflict the evil and harm of human trafficking on others, especially young children. Clearly, the traffickers have rejected God and completely lost the truth and wisdom of the Ten Commandments and replaced them with a twisted view of right and wrong, good and evil. I left the movie sad and frustrated, wondering what I can do to help eradicate this horrific nightmare lurking around us in the shadows of our society.

Human traffickers and s-x predators kill others physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Unable to see in the darkness in which they live, they grievously violate ALL TEN of God’s Ten Commandments.  While the focus is on the traffickers, it is imperative to realize that the ugly business of trafficking, and all its hurt and pain, would be no more if the “paying customers” of society would learn, embrace and live God’s Ten Commandments.

Having discarded God’s Commandments, society at large has become a willing partner with the traffickers. If society would be restored to the truth and wisdom of the Ten Commandments, we would eradicate this human trafficking “pandemic,” create spiritual “herd immunity” and inject our culture with the time-tested antidote to the darkness of sin.

So, what responsibility do you and I have in this situation and what can we do to have a meaningful impact in eradicating this evil business? A good place to start is to look to the now-saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who went, single-handedly and against all odds, to the most horrific conditions to humbly spread the gospel. She said:

If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”

—Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Through her example and her words, Saint Teresa demonstrates to us that we can change the world by starting in our homes and with our families through the power of the love that we read about in 1 John 4:8, “God is Love.”  In His love, God is also the author of Truth and He gave us the time-tested wisdom of the Ten Commandments to help us know what love truly is: to put others first, instead of being focused on our own pleasures and selfish desires.

The solution begins with you and me, by intentionally creating a culture, within our families and in our homes, based on the Ten Commandments. These timeless truths were given to us by almighty God, to continually lead us back to Him, embrace His forgiveness when we fall, and to show us how to truly love our neighbor as ourselves. This battle may seem overwhelming, but it is a battle we must take up. Saint Teresa began her mission as one individual focused on a purpose and a cause. As others embraced her mission, they changed the world. If we all work together, and in unity with the Holy Spirit, to restore these Ten Truths, we too can change the world and eradicate human trafficking.

The battle begins at home by creating a culture of God’s truth of the Ten Commandments within our homes and families. I invite you to join in the effort and consider the various ways we can continue to grow in virtue and holiness, restoring the Ten Commandments, the true values and moral compass of right and wrong, good and evil.

To begin this battle, let’s all embrace the words of the familiar hymn written by Jill Jackson-Miller and Sy Miller, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” Let it begin with you and with me so that, in time, the slavery of human trafficking and all its evil will no longer be accepted, allowing everyone to hear God’s beautiful “sound of freedom,” the sound of peace, the peace that was meant to be.

 Ed Van Buskirk

Executive Director

Restoring Truth in a World of Confusion

This blog was adapted from a Catholic Exchange article by Ed Van Buskirk published on July 26, 2023.

To dive deeper in your knowledge of learning and living the 10 Commandments on a daily basis in order to experience true joy and freedom, visit our 10 Commandments Page that corresponds to each of the 10 Commandments.

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