Has a Lizard Set Up Shop on Your Shoulder?

In C.S. Lewis’s book The Great Divorce, one of the ghosts in the story has a lizard sitting on his shoulder whispering in his ear. The lizard is the ghost’s vice and, despite the wishes of the ghost to be rid of the lizard, he cannot make it go away. An angel, who has the ability and authority, asks for permission to kill the lizard, to which the ghost repeatedly declines, apologizing for the lizard, and promising that he will subdue the lizard or it will go away on its own.

It is likely that each of us knows just such a lizard and we too lie to ourselves that we can subdue it, keep it from being a problem and make it go away. Scripture warns us in John 8:44 that Satan is the father of all lies and his intention is to deceive, confuse and destroy.

Our world today offers us countless lizards that, if we allow them to, will set up shop on our shoulder and whisper in our ear. They are the strange gods that we are warned about in the First Commandment. These gods are not necessarily all bad, but when pursued to excess, become distorted, controlling and destructive sin. Without realizing it, their whispering becomes impossible to ignore. Addiction to social media, porn, drinking and entertainment; the love of money, uncontrollable anger, pride and arrogance; overspending, holding a grudge and harboring resentment; prioritizing sports over responsibilities, overworking, promiscuous sex, spreading gossip and rumors, and gambling; obsession of power and prestige, partying, binge-watching and overeating; and the list goes on.

Is there a lizard that has set up shop on your shoulder and you wish it would go away, but it hasn’t? If you have a lizard whispering in your ear, but you can’t quite name it, set aside time this Holy Week to ponder the Ten Commandments, and ask the Holy Spirit to help give it a name. Making use of an Examination of Conscience, such as the Examination of Conscience by the Fathers of Mercy, can also help identify the lizard(s) that may have crept up on your shoulder and which you haven’t yet named.

Every day, but especially during Holy Week, Jesus asks us for permission to kill whatever lizard has become comfortable on our shoulder. This Holy Week, as you walk with Jesus through His passion, scourging, and death, listen for Him to ask for your permission and trust in his love, mercy and grace to accept His invitation. Then, go to Jesus in the Sacrament of Confession, fully surrender your lizard to Him and ask Him to kill it once and for all.

Eventually, in the story, the ghost is out of excuses and the angel slowly asks again, “Shall I kill it?” to which the ghost, humbly surrenders permission. When the angel kills the lizard, the ghost initially shrieks in pain at the loss of the lizard, but then something wonderful happens. The ghost becomes a man and grows in strength and beauty. He becomes the man he was created to be. Simultaneously, the lizard transforms into a great stallion, upon which the man mounts, and becomes its master and the two of them valiantly ride up the mountain to heaven.

Through the scripture passages we read, and the songs we sing during Holy Week, Jesus demonstrates that we are not alone. On Holy Thursday, he gave us the holy priesthood and The Holy Eucharist, his Body and Blood for strength, and in His resurrection He declares victory against the battle over sin. Then, at Pentecost, He sent us The Holy Spirit to walk with us, guide us and give us the grace to persevere.

The “Victor” walks with us, shows us that He knows our lizard(s), and that He is able and willing to kill them IF we allow Him to. And, if we do allow Him, He will give us the mercy, courage and grace to become the person we were created to be.

You may not readily relate to CS Lewis’ story, but maybe there is someone you know who has been wanting to kill the lizard that haunts them. I encourage you to pray about how you might share this with him or her this week.

Click Here to read the entire scene of the ghost, the lizard and the angel from C.S. Lewis’ book, The Great Divorce.

Have a fruitful Holy Week and an abundantly joy-filled Easter,

Ed Van Buskirk

Executive Director
Restoring Truth in a World of Confusion

To dive deeper in your knowledge of learning and living the 10 Commandments on a daily basis in order to experience true joy and freedom, visit our 10 Commandments Page that corresponds to each of the 10 Commandments.

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