How many laws will it take?

A couple years ago I heard a story of a prison inmate who learned there are over 100,000 laws on the books that will put a person into prison. He became very frustrated and discouraged about his situation and his future prospects of ever being free on the outside. In his frustration, he confided in the prison chaplain telling her it would be impossible to ever overcome the burden and restrictions of so many laws. She replied, “There probably are over 100,000 laws that will put a person into prison, but I know a list of ten laws that will keep you out.” 

God didn’t want us to be burdened by thousands of laws. Therefore, in His infinite wisdom and love, He gave us a list of just ten laws that accomplish much more than all the civil laws could ever accomplish. We just need to restore them to their proper place. 

Unfortunately, over the past several decades, efforts have been under foot to discard God’s list of ten laws from public view by removing them from courthouse walls, public squares and schools. Having removed the visual images of the Commandments, the wisdom and truth of the Commandments have been overlooked and replaced by the confusion of layer upon layer of mere human laws. 

As the Commandments disappeared from public view, the common moral laws, given to us by our Creator to help us live in harmony with one another, are not so common anymore. They have largely been discarded as outdated, old-fashioned and too restrictive and they have been replaced with ‘modern wisdom’ that is allegedly more suited for our sophisticated world. 

Having cast off God’s moral laws people are ‘free’ to choose right and wrong based on their individual internal moral compass.  Many choose this route because it appears to be easier, better, more ‘enlightened’ and properly aligned with American freedom. But, without any defined internal moral compass, those who choose this route often make the headlines in newspapers and on the evening news as they are reprimanded and stripped of their civil freedoms for having inflicted their crimes on society. 

Having abandoned God’s moral compass, society has responded by imposing a constantly growing list of civil laws in an attempt to restore a semblance of order resulting in a maze of complicated restrictions, mostly designed to put people into prison instead of keeping them out. Will civil laws ever be enough to restore the authentic peace and harmony that would be achieved by reinstating God’s original set of laws to restore and maintain harmony in our world? 

I would hazard a guess that neither you nor I have the influence needed to restore the Commandments to public spaces. However, every one of us can restore the Commandments, the wisdom and the authentic freedom they offer, where it counts most. In our homes and for our families. 

It is quite simple to get started. Simply hang framed list of the Commandments in your home where it will be seen several times a day. Having the Commandments, where you and your family can be reminded of them every day, will help restore God’s wisdom, peace and harmony within your family. Then, as you and your family become more aware of them and you intentionally incorporate them in your life, you will naturally carry them out into the public places for others to see. As you and your family go about your day, in your job, at school and at the store, you will demonstrate how the Commandments simplify life and offer abundant joy and authentic freedom. 

In the normal course of your day, you can demonstrate that the simple list of God’s divine laws are all we need to live in harmony with one another. 

Here at If U Love Me we have made it easy for you post the Ten Commandments in your home. Several free images of the Commandments are available on our website. The “Hillbilly” version is the most popular. Download the one you like best and print it. Then, find one of the picture frames that you’ve collected in the back of a closet over the years and choose a good place in your home or office for the framed image of the Commandments. It is that easy to begin restoring the Commandments and to remind you and your family of the divine laws… the only laws necessary to avoid ‘prison’ and which pave the way to authentic joy and freedom. Click Here to download one of the Ten Commandments images. 

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