How to Pray the Commandments

Living the Commandments doesn’t happen just by memorizing them. They need to be assimilated into our character so we can quickly recognize daily situations that could easily take a wrong turn if we ignore or disobey them. As we assimilate the Commandments into our character, we build strength to make it easier to make good decisions. However, we can’t rely on our own strength. We need to call upon Jesus to give us the grace and fortitude to put aside our selfish desires and make decisions based on authentic love for God and others. 

The Praying the Ten Commandments prayer offers several ways to grow strong in the Commandments and call upon God for the grace needed live according to His law of love. The prayer also invites us to go beyond the Commandments and into the greatness we were designed and called to become by our Creator.

Praying the Ten Commandments

Creator of the universe and Redeemer of our souls, give me your grace to grow in your Commandments each day and your mercy when I stumble.

(1) You are the Lord my God. I will not have any other gods before you.
(2) I will not use your name in vain, but will glorify your name in all my words and deeds.
(3) I will remember to keep holy the Lord’s day by preserving it only for worshiping you, resting in you and for relationship with family and friends.
(4) I will honor my father and mother, and teach my children to do the same.
(5) I will not kill, but will honor and protect life from conception to natural death.
(6) I will not commit adultery, but will honor our bodies for the sacred purpose of new life.
(7) I will not steal, but instead cultivate a heart of generosity.
(8) I will not lie, but rather honor truth in my words and actions.
(9 & 10) I will not covet my neighbor’s spouse, and I will not covet the things of this world, but set my heart on building treasures in heaven. 

We encourage you to print the Praying the Ten Commandments prayer and pray it at the beginning of your day to help you make good choices throughout your day. Then, as an examination of conscience, pray it at the end of the day to see how closely you lived according to the Commandments. Click here for a printable version.

To dive deeper in your knowledge of learning and living the 10 Commandments on a daily basis in order to experience true joy and freedom, visit our 10 Commandments Page that corresponds to each of the 10 Commandments. 

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