Quitting His Job to Honor God Sends Gerald to the Supreme Court

Gerald Geoff resigned from his job as a postal worker at the US Postal Service because they required him to work on Sundays. Now, his case is being reviewed by the US Supreme Court. (See CNA article)

Gerald clearly has his priorities in the right order. First, he initially applied for this job, specifically because the Postal Service didn’t deliver mail on Sundays, allowing him to preserve Sundays as instructed in God’s 3rd Commandment: “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.” Several years later, the postal service extended deliveries to include Sunday. When demanded that he work on Sundays, Gerald chose to resign. His decision demonstrates that he trusts God’s plan over the worldly acceptance that Sunday is fair game for working. 

Secondly, Gerald knows that God and his faith in him takes precedence over a job. Sure, “The sabbath is made for man, not man for the sabbath.” (Mark 2:27) and some professions are necessary on the Lord’s Day, such as medical professionals and emergency responders. It could even be argued that, depending upon the content of mail, delivery of mail could be necessary on Sundays. However, these should be the exception, and not the norm. Yet today’s strange gods and worldly mindset of what is accepted, and even expected, on Sundays has drifted far off course from what Jesus intended in Mark Chapter 2. It has drifted so much that daily household chores often become the focus on the Lord’s Day with worshiping God and resting being squeezed out.

As we look around at the chaos and insanity in the world today, we are seeing the long-term consequences of the world pursuing profit over God’s design for Sundays. I would even contend that the world’s disregard for keeping holy the sabbath is the primary culprit in the worldly trends and consequences of godlessness and atheism. 

I applaud Gerald for standing his ground. Maybe you don’t agree with him, but Gerald reminds us that trusting in God’s design, and His plan for us, allows us to find joy and peace over worldly wisdom. He inspires us to stay focused on the One True God and to not fall victim to the worldly strange gods. 

Gerald’s story is one of trust and courage, which encourages us to follow his example. Not just in regards to living the 3rd Commandment, but in regards to how intentionally we embrace all of The Ten Commandments. With each Commandment, God is protecting a gift that is holy and sacred and He knows how necessary these sacred gifts are for us, our happiness and our future. 

If the busyness of your life has caused you to lose focus on God’s divine day of rest and spiritual refreshment, I invite you to explore the First Commandment, “I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me,” more closely in Paragraphs 2168 – 2195 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, upon which all the other commandments are founded. 

Also, to reflect on the purpose of worship and rest on the Lord’s Day, I invite you to read my previous blog, How About a ‘Divine’ day of Vacation?

Is there someone in your circle of friends who has overlooked the importance of putting God front and center of their Sunday? If so, prayerfully consider how to share this email with them. 

I ask that you include this case in your prayers, and that the members of the Supreme Court have complete clarity of thought and the courage to uphold the truth. Also please offer a prayer for Gerald and his family.

Thank You and Make it a Joy-Filled Day! 

Ed Van Buskirk

Executive Director
Restoring Truth in a World of Confusion

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