Your Personal Journey

Given the chaos and moral confusion of today’s culture, are you looking for the clarity and truth of God’s divine wisdom? Is it time to get back to the basics of our Catholic faith with practical teachings that lead to authentic joy and freedom?

The personal study of God’s amazing Ten Commandments includes:

  • 11 Online session videos
  • Participant workbook
  • Additional study resources

Experiencing God’s Recipe For a Wonderful Life is easy!

All you have to do is:

Subscribe to the study videos

Download your Participant Workbook

Begin enjoying the sessions materials at your own pace

Watch our founder, Ed Van Buskirk, break open the lessons of the Fourth Commandment, “Honor Your Father and Mother,” in the sample video.

“If U Love Me presents the Ten Commandments in an engaging way that helps both adults and children see the commandments are ultimately given by God to help us love in different ways.”

–Most Reverend James V. Johnston Jr.
Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph

What participants like you say...

Ready to experience this eye-opening program?

Subscribe now to start your free 14-day trial.

God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life is now on the Catholic Radio Network! Tune in each Sunday to hear how the Commandments are God’s solution to the chaos & confusion of our world!