For Your Family

God’s Recipe for School and Family is designed as a guide for parents and grandparents to help the children in your life navigate the deception and chaos of today’s worldly messages.
In doing so, your children will be better equipped to identify the trickery and deceptions of our culture, avoid the consequences of worldly choices and instead, make wise choices that will pave the way for a bright future.
God’s Recipe for School and Family includes:
A Ten Commandment Family Kit
- A handbook for parents and grandparents to teach the Commandments
- Ten Commandment puzzle
- Picture frame for the puzzle
Commandment of the Month
Each month throughout the program you will receive an e-newsletter featuring the “Commandment of the Month.”
- Insights on how the featured Commandment is relevant for families
- Questions to engage children in thoughtful conversations
- Fun Family activities that show why the Commandment is needed to experience all that God wants for your children
Watch the video below to learn why God’s Recipe for School and Family is important for your family.
Bringing God’s Recipe for School and Family to your home is easy!
All you have to do is:
Purchase your Family Kit
When your Family Kit arrives:
a. Register to receive the Commandment of the Month lessons
b. Review the guidebook
c. Assemble the puzzle
Using the teachings in the monthly emails and family activities,
engage your children in meaningful conversations about how the Commandments apply in daily life.
Already have your Family Kit?
Register to receive the Commandment of the Month newsletters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is God’s Recipe for School and Family designed for?
The program is designed as a parent/grandparent led program and is closely tied to the religious education either at the school or through a parish’s school of religion. Therefore, the program and materials can be purchased by the school/parish or individually by parents and grandparents.
How does the Commandment of the Month work?
Each month, short teachings on the specific Commandment of the Month will be received by the parents. The emails include questions to facilitate practical and engaging conversations with the children about how the Commandments come into play in daily life, illuminating the natural consequences of not obeying and the blessings of obeying the Commandment.
If God’s Recipe for School and Family is being offered through your school or parish, the teachers, parish and school webmasters and the bulletin coordinators will receive the emails asking them to post the teaching for the entire parish to read and learn.
What is the difference between the school/family program and the adult program?
The God’s Recipe for School and Family program is designed for school children and their parents. Using the guidebook and family activities, parents lead the discussions with their children at home and, when offered through the school, the teachers are encouraged to reinforce what is being taught at home.
The God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life is a video study of the Commandments designed for adults to gain a comprehensive adult-level understanding of how the Commandments work in daily life. Through the study participants will gain a deeper appreciation for how the Commandments foster relationships and lead to authentic joy and happiness. It is recommended that the adult study is offered concurrently with the school and family program so the parents, grandparents and teachers are best equipped to teach the children.
When schools and parishes enroll in the God’s Recipe for School and Family program, the God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life program is available to the parish at no additional cost.
Is the God’s Recipe for School and Family program available for individual families?
Yes. A family can purchase The Family Kit and register to receive the Commandment of the Month emails.
What is included in the Family Kit?
The Family Kit includes:
- Letter to Parents (Spanish Version Available)
- Parent Guidebook (Spanish Version Available)
- Ten Commandments Puzzle
- Picture Frame for Puzzle
- Praying the Ten Commandments Prayer Card
- Ten Commandments Card
Is God’s Recipe for School and Family offered in Spanish?
Currently the Parent Guidebook and the Letter to the Parents that are in the kit are available in Spanish and work is in progress to translate the other items of the Family Kit to Spanish also.
Why are the Commandments important for families?
As you are aware, there is a growing list of negative influences aimed directly at children to rob them of their future, erode their faith in Jesus, and persuade them away from family life. But through God’s Recipe for School and Family we have a proven solution; the truth and wisdom of God’s Ten Commandments. You may be thinking the Ten Commandments aren’t that big of a deal. But they really are a BIG DEAL!
Hidden in their simplicity, the Commandments offer endless opportunities for authentic joy and boundless happiness. They provide insight and promise for raising joy-filled children, preparing them for a life of friendship and success and they are the guide for enjoying happy and fulfilling marriages.
What is the vision for the program?
God’s Recipe for School and Family: Learning and Living the Ten Commandments is based on a priceless gift, given directly from God himself, to protect your children and pave the way for a promising and joy-filled future for them. Not just their earthly future, but for their eternal future with Jesus in heaven.
The vision to instill within the children, and their families, a solid understanding of how to use the Commandments as their guide to recognize and avoid the temptations and confusion they face.
How do we use the Family Kit?
As a child’s most influential teacher, parents and grandparents have the best opportunity to teach the truth and wisdom of God’s Commandments.
The Family Kit includes a puzzle for families to assemble together. When fully assembled, put the puzzle into the included picture frame and decide, as a family, on a good place to hang it. If you want, find a photo of your family and place it over the family in the puzzle.
The kit also includes the book, God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life. This easy to read book will expand your understanding of the Commandments and guide you in teaching them to your children.
Don’t be intimidated. It is actually quite easy and fun. There is a short narrative for each Commandment and a Family Activity to make the Commandments come alive and show how relevant they are in everyday family life. We suggest making the Family Activity part of your Sunday family time.
Why the Ten Commandments?
“‘Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?’ He answered him, ‘Why do you ask me about the good? There is only One who is good. If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.'” (Matthew 19:16)
The Ten Commandments are God’s laws that show us how to live and lead us to Jesus and to eternal life with Him.
The Commandments are not a list of outdated rules, but are relevant every day. They prepare children to avoid the landmines of our culture and make decisions that pave the way for a promising future here on earth, and with Jesus in heaven.
How can I get the most out of this program?
HOW will I get the most out of this program? WE have an acronym that we’d like to share:
1. H = Honest. Be honest with yourself and with others. God has called you to be a living example and role model for the people in your life. Reflect on these questions:
- Are you living the life worthy of Heaven?
- Do I want to change for God?
- Do I care what happens to the souls of the children in my life?
- Do I want to become a saint?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you should reflect, pray, and reach out to a trusted adult, like a priest or staff member for guidance and support.
2. O = Open. God will always knock on the doors of our hearts, but the door knob is on the inside. We have to be open to let God in and speak to us. We must be open and receptive with open hearts to receive whatever it is God is telling us.
3. W = Willing. God gave us something called “free will.” We all have a choice to follow God or not, it is totally up to us. A relationship with God, takes effort on our part. Prayer, perseverance, patience, sacrifice, and of course, love.
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.'” (Matthew 16:24-26).
Where are the Ten Commandments in the Bible?
The Ten Commandments are listed two separate times in the Bible: Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. Also, you can explore each Commandment on this page.
What is the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
“Catechism” is the name given to a written work that contains a summary of all the beliefs of the Catholic faith. It is comprised of four Parts with one entire Part being dedicated to the Ten Commandments.
The Catechism is a wonderful resource for the family to understand the Catholic teachings. Every Catholic family would be well served to own a copy.
Click here to purchase your copy of the Catechism.
Click here to view the online Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Get Your Family Kit Now
Purchase your Family Kit to embark on the adventure of the Ten Commandments with your family!