For Your School

School children of all ages wearing uniforms and holding books. They all go to the same school, with light blue polo shirts and dark grey slacks or skirts. They are smiling in front of trees.

God’s Recipe for School and Family provides support material that is focused on families and is centered on the teachings and gifts of the Ten Commandments.

The program begins at the school/parish but quickly engages the parents as the primary teacher of the faith for their children. As a parent-led program, they will guide their children through short lessons on each of the Commandments. Also, through the Family Activities the whole family will come to understand how the natural law of the Commandments work, both as a consequence or as a blessing. In teaching the Commandments, the parents will arm their children with the practical wisdom for identifying and avoiding the deceptions and confusion of our culture, enabling them to make wise choices that will pave the way for a bright future.

God’s Recipe for School and Family includes:

A Ten Commandment Family Kit

  • A handbook for parents and grandparents to teach the Commandments
  • Ten Commandment puzzle
  • Picture frame for the puzzle
  • Praying the Ten Commandments prayer card

Monthly support materials that feature a Commandment of the Month

  • Insights on how the featured Commandment is relevant for families
  • Questions to engage children in thoughtful conversations
  • Fun Family activities that show why the Commandment is needed to experience all that God wants for your children.
  • Newsletter/Bulletin articles

Other Program Features

  • Plaques of the Ten Commandments for the classrooms
  • A complementary 11-Session video study of the Commandments for all members of the parish. ($300 value)
  • Program materials can be purchased either by the school/parish, or through sponsorships from individual parishioners or parish groups. I.E. Knights of Columbus, Altar Society.

Watch the video below to learn more about God’s Recipe for School and Family.

Bringing God’s Recipe for School and Family to your school is easy!

All you have to do is:

Enroll your school/parish and order your materials using the form below

Give the Family Kits to the children to take home

Using the support materials provided each month, engage in conversation with your children/students

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is God’s Recipe for School and Family designed for?

The program is designed as a parent/grandparent led program and is closely tied to the religious education either at the school or through a parish’s school of religion. Therefore, the program and materials can be purchased by the school/parish or individually by parents and grandparents.

The program is designed as a parent-led program but the school/parish’s role magnifies the impact by reinforcing what is being taught at home. Also, practically speaking, some of the parents will not engage. Therefore, without the involvement of the teachers at school and church, the program loses its significance for the children of these unengaged parents.

To reinforce what the parents are teaching at home, the teachers will be provided Commandment of the Month emails that include short teachings on the Commandment along with questions to help engage the children in conversation. These are the same emails that the parents will be receiving each month.

To kick off the school year, a ceremony is held at the school to bless the new Ten Commandments plaques that will be installed throughout the school. Father also blesses the Ten Commandments Family Kits and they are given to the children to take home. Throughout the school year, one Commandment will be featured each month in the newsletter, at school Masses and in the prayers of intentions. Toward the end of the year, those children who have exhibited the Commandments most in their daily lives will be recognized.

Each month, short teachings on the specific Commandment of the Month will be received by the parents. The emails include questions to facilitate practical and engaging conversations with the children about how the Commandments come into play in daily life, illuminating the natural consequences of not obeying and the blessings of obeying the Commandment.

If God’s Recipe for School and Family is being offered through your school or parish, the teachers, parish and school webmasters and the bulletin coordinators will receive the emails asking them to post the teaching for the entire parish to read and learn.

The family plaques for the program can either be purchased by the school/parish. Or, members of the parish and parish groups, such as the Knights of Columbus, can be asked to sponsor the children. A Sponsorship Guide, including fliers, announcements and sponsorship videos are provided to facilitate the sponsorship campaign.

The God’s Recipe for School and Family program is designed for school children and their parents. Using the guidebook and family activities, parents lead the discussions with their children at home and, when offered through the school, the teachers are encouraged to reinforce what is being taught at home. 

The God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life program is a video study of the Commandments designed for adults to gain a comprehensive adult-level understanding of how the Commandments work in daily life. Through the study participants will gain a deeper appreciation for how the Commandments foster relationships and lead to authentic joy and happiness. It is recommended that the adult study is offered concurrently with the school and family program so the parents, grandparents and teachers are best equipped to teach the children. 

When schools and parishes enroll in the God’s Recipe for School and Family program, the God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life program is available to the parish at no additional cost. 

Yes. A family can purchase The Family Kit and register to receive the Commandment of the Month emails.

When you enroll your school or school of religion you can determine how many of each of the two sizes you want. It is recommended that each classroom display the Standard size plaque and the common spaces, such as the entryway and cafeteria display the large plaques. 

Ideally the Ten Commandments Family Kits and plaques for the classrooms are blessed at the first school Mass of the year. At the Mass the Family Kits are given to the children to take home and within a day or two, the Ten Commandments plaques are installed in the classrooms. 

The featured Commandment of the Month lessons begin in early September and go through May, covering nine months. To complete all Commandments in nine months, the last two Commandments on coveting are both featured during May. 

The Family Kit includes:

  • Letter to Parents (Spanish Version Available)
  • Parent Guidebook (Spanish Version Available)
  • Ten Commandments Puzzle
  • Picture Frame for Puzzle
  • Praying the Ten Commandments Prayer Card
  • Ten Commandments Card

Currently the Parent Guidebook and the Letter to the Parents that are in the kit are available in Spanish and work is in progress to translate the other items of the Family Kit to Spanish also.

As you are aware, there is a growing list of negative influences aimed directly at children to rob them of their future, erode their faith in Jesus, and persuade them away from family life. But through God’s Recipe for School and Family we have a proven solution; the truth and wisdom of God’s Ten Commandments. You may be thinking the Ten Commandments aren’t that big of a deal. But they really are a BIG DEAL!

Hidden in their simplicity, the Commandments offer endless opportunities for authentic joy and boundless happiness. They provide insight and promise for raising joy-filled children, preparing them for a life of friendship and success and they are the guide for enjoying happy and fulfilling marriages.

God’s Recipe for School and Family: Learning and Living the Ten Commandments is based on a priceless gift, given directly from God himself, to protect your children and pave the way for a promising and joy-filled future for them. Not just their earthly future, but for their eternal future with Jesus in heaven. 

The vision to instill within the children, and their families, a solid understanding of how to use the Commandments as their guide to recognize and avoid the temptations and confusion they face.

“‘Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?’ He answered him, ‘Why do you ask me about the good? There is only One who is good. If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.'” (Matthew 19:16)

The Ten Commandments are God’s laws that show us how to live and lead us  to Jesus and to eternal life with Him. 

The Commandments are not a list of outdated rules, but are relevant every day. They prepare children to avoid the landmines of our culture and make decisions that pave the way for a promising future here on earth, and with Jesus in heaven.

What principals say...

Tara Englehart, principal of Holy Rosary School, shares her experience with the program at her school and parish.

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